Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist
Church at 1251 South Union Street, Lima, OH 45804
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Address | 1251 South Union Street Lima OH 45804 Get directions |
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in Lima, OH
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Dear mr. manley,
I have never attented any of your services but I must say you are a disgrace. For you to come out and run off at the mouth about the lima police is a disgrace. You say they are the bad ones for using lethal force? what about the mother that willingly let her 6 kids live with a drug dealer. Now I would never wish for any child to get hurt but what do you think is going to happen when you subjagate your children in that kind of an atomsphere. Why are the police bad because they protected themselves from the pitbulls? what was mom doing that she got shot? and if she was that worried about her son why would she be holding him when the police raided into the house anyways? she new they were coming she ran upstairs to get him. she new what she was doing was wrong and she new eventually she or they would be caught. So even though the full details are not out and it may or may not be a police error you have no right to badmouth the police without even knowing the details. As far as im concerned they were just doing their job. You need to be talking to the family about being real christians instead of only on sunday and try to have them lead a good life. Not one where drugs and children are involved. That is what you need to be running off at the mouth about not the police ....Added April 23, 2017 by A Google User - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Pastor Manley is awesome! Love P.R.M.B.C. full of energy, praising the Lord, positivity of members, and an all around great experience! This is our new church!! Thank you so much!!
Added November 27, 2016 by kpezee